Our February First Thursday program will be via ZOOM ONLY, and will feature Mr. John F. Connolly. John enjoyed a 36-year career at NASA before joining the Texas A&M faculty. In addition to his teaching roles, John serves as an advisor to the Texas A&M Space Institute. He will share his insights about the Space Institute, which will be built adjacent to JSC. This unique facility will house a broad spectrum of research and development capabilities to enable exploration of the Moon and Mars.
John is currently a Professor of Practice at Texas A&M's Aerospace Engineering Department, where he instructs the senior Aerospace Capstone Design course series. He also created and teaches Spacecraft and Space Mission Design courses to expand A&M's growing Aerospace Program. He serves as faculty advisor to the university's AggieSat Laboratory, and as the Principle Investigator for the AggieSat-6 mission which will launch in September, in addition to his advisory role for the Space Institute.
John's lengthy NASA career included positions as NASA HQ Exploration Chief Scientist (NASA HQ), Altair lunar lander vehicle and deputy project manager, human lunar surface systems team lead, Lunar and Mars human mission design, astronaut office special assistant, and NASA HQ program executive. He concluded his NASA career in Artemis’ Human Lander System Program on loan to SpaceX’s Starship lander project.
BEFORE: Join other retirees for lunch every First Thursday at 12:00 noon, at Luby's -- 20001 Gulf Freeway in Webster
© 2020 NASA Alumni League - JSC Chapter - a private 501(c)3 non-profit organization